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Teach me how to love unconditional and your heart will never be empty. December 27, 2009

Posted by Gaylena in Empowerment.
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In thinking of years past and lessons learned, about love, life, joy and so many other things, my thoughts finally turned to one almost forgotten lesson. Or should I say the teacher that taught me how to love again without meaning to or asking for anything more then a little compassion.

That being a kitten of gray, black and white color named Kai, one of three kittens and one that no one liked including myself until he won me over. This little guy was just having fun running around and playing on my bed one day when I was cleaning and sorting through some papers.

He saw great fun in making a big mess of everything but quickly changed my mind when I picked up the papers to throw them out. He showed off a sweet side I didn’t know about, after having seen a side of the little guy I’d never seen before I quickly found a new friend that brought no end of laughter and love.

One day in particular I was busy working on completing an article when he found the clothes hamper and fall in scaring himself. When I pulled him out and I had to let him know that he was all right and loved just any child likes to know when he or she hurts him/herself.

It made me think of how even when we have grown into adults we still need to show ourselves that kind of love when we have fallen down. So many times we don’t do that most important and needed little thing, nor do we treat ourselves with the care that you would give to a child.

When you are happy or when sad, mad or glad, you still need to know you are loved and especially so when you’ve fallen. Think of the things you would do for a friend when they are hurting or have themselves fallen down or think of the things you would say to a child.

You can do some of those same things for yourself, you can take care of yourself the way you do others.

Love, like happiness or joy starts with oneself and if you want to love another and/or take care of another. Start taking care of, and loving yourself first, the rest really follows pretty easily, in fact when you learn to treat yourself the way you would treat a best friend. You not only can become your own best friend but you will also find it a lot easier to love someone else.

Unconditional love works the same way, you have to love yourself unconditionally before you can love another unconditionally. There was a lesson for in that very same subject with kitten Kai. Because this kitty wasn’t one that any other person really liked because even though he was really sweet.

He could be OVERLY sweet and didn’t ever stop being sweet, in fact he rather liked to get under foot and want to be petted for hours, when your busy or sleeping. Though the second lesson that stands out brightly for me now is to love despite little corks and despite what others see.

Only you see the things in the people, pets and things you love, only you will ever feel the way you do from loving those things, people and pets. At the same time you will learn to love both the good and the bad, even the 4 AM wake up calls just to be petted or for food or just to say I love you and want you to know.

Every thing and everyone has there ups and downs including yourself but that doesn’t mean you should them or yourself any less. When you love yourself as unconditionally, it means taking the good with the bad and loving yourself and others and realizing that’s what makes you who you are and another person who they are.

Live fully who you are through your spirit November 20, 2009

Posted by Gaylena in Empowerment.
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I love things that come from the heart such as a well written poem or a true story or any number of things. That kind of things usually goes straight to the heart of the person reading and speaks directly to not only the heart but the soul and often times the spirit as well.

That is something that my friend Geoff Laughton does with his teachings, in improving your relationship with yourself and others. By giving you fully back to yourself and allowing you to live through your spiritual guidance with more freedom, peace and joy.

Just by simply living from the guidance of your spirit it gives the relationship you have with yourself and others more fulfillment. Personally I have to say that his work is very thought provoking and enlightening as well as allowing for us to become more insightful.

There is a big difference between living from spirit and living by what I would call living by default. One you are by your higher self for your highest good and create your life by your own design instead of living day to day and letting what comes your way, come.

This kind of living leads to feelings of being alone and depressed with no one on your side when the going gets tough. There is little or no joy and freedom can feel non existent and the difference with living your spirit is being your own best friend.

Your more attuned to life and able to allow in the good stuff that is naturally yours anyway, things that seemed difficult before. Are easy to handle because there is no longer the disharmony of self that there was before that caused anxious feelings before.

Over the last few years I learned that if we are not deeply connected to our spirit and let it guide our path in life it can seem like it’s all gray skys. That the sun isn’t shining even when it is and then you are living your life on default and not on purpose.

Your communication and relationship and everything else in life isn’t as good as can be when you are allow spirit to guide you. You really have to broke through your barrier and be who you truly are, life is so much more rich and full with so much more meaning and beauty to it.

Getting back to You is something that is very important.

That is what my good friend Geoff Laughton, helps others do so well, do check out his blog at http://geofflaughton.typepad.com/spirited_musings/  that’s got some great posts you will want to check out.

He also has a fan page which you can find at http://www.facebook.com/LivingYourSpiritNow and you can see what he is up to on a day to day basis. You can ask any questions and get them answered as he checks it daily. Don’t forget to check out his awesome new web site  http://geofflaughton.com/

Wishing you live your life guided by your spirit, love and blessings.

Setting positive habits to support change. May 18, 2009

Posted by Gaylena in Affirmations, Empowerment, Journaling, Positive change, Uncategorized.
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Ever wanted to make a really big change like making a New Year’s resolution? Instead found you could not hold to it for very long?

Everyone has made a resolution to do something and broke it too. As they say, you have to break a really big goal like that into several smaller steps, because it is easier to handle and follow through on.

The reason people don’t keep a resolution is because they make them from a negative place of “I need to do that” instead of doing something because you want. Things get done when they are done from a positive approach, of wanting to do it, which is not the case of the opposite situation.