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Live fully who you are through your spirit November 20, 2009

Posted by Gaylena in Empowerment.
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I love things that come from the heart such as a well written poem or a true story or any number of things. That kind of things usually goes straight to the heart of the person reading and speaks directly to not only the heart but the soul and often times the spirit as well.

That is something that my friend Geoff Laughton does with his teachings, in improving your relationship with yourself and others. By giving you fully back to yourself and allowing you to live through your spiritual guidance with more freedom, peace and joy.

Just by simply living from the guidance of your spirit it gives the relationship you have with yourself and others more fulfillment. Personally I have to say that his work is very thought provoking and enlightening as well as allowing for us to become more insightful.

There is a big difference between living from spirit and living by what I would call living by default. One you are by your higher self for your highest good and create your life by your own design instead of living day to day and letting what comes your way, come.

This kind of living leads to feelings of being alone and depressed with no one on your side when the going gets tough. There is little or no joy and freedom can feel non existent and the difference with living your spirit is being your own best friend.

Your more attuned to life and able to allow in the good stuff that is naturally yours anyway, things that seemed difficult before. Are easy to handle because there is no longer the disharmony of self that there was before that caused anxious feelings before.

Over the last few years I learned that if we are not deeply connected to our spirit and let it guide our path in life it can seem like it’s all gray skys. That the sun isn’t shining even when it is and then you are living your life on default and not on purpose.

Your communication and relationship and everything else in life isn’t as good as can be when you are allow spirit to guide you. You really have to broke through your barrier and be who you truly are, life is so much more rich and full with so much more meaning and beauty to it.

Getting back to You is something that is very important.

That is what my good friend Geoff Laughton, helps others do so well, do check out his blog at http://geofflaughton.typepad.com/spirited_musings/  that’s got some great posts you will want to check out.

He also has a fan page which you can find at http://www.facebook.com/LivingYourSpiritNow and you can see what he is up to on a day to day basis. You can ask any questions and get them answered as he checks it daily. Don’t forget to check out his awesome new web site  http://geofflaughton.com/

Wishing you live your life guided by your spirit, love and blessings.

Fall in love with the inner critic. November 15, 2009

Posted by Gaylena in Positive change.
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The other day I got my time zones mixed up and missed a training call I wanted to listen in on, that was all right. Because I ended up listening to a different audio that I had but never had the time to listen to it, so since I had this free hour anyway I used it on that.

It was about money and your relationship with it, and how women see money different then men do, in terms of it being a relationship. If you have trouble getting or keeping money in your life it’s very likely because of a limiting belief to do with money.

Which means you need to create a better relationship with it and release the beliefs you have so they stop causing you trouble. There have been points in my life where I’ll want to reach for a goal bigger then normal and I would hear the inner critic sounding off.

I had to search out the source of that negative little voice in my head saying, You know you can’t do that. The trouble I found with it is that it was one of my loved ones sounding off in my head, meaning to keep me from hurt or failure.

That person would say you have all of these other steps to take first, and many of those would revolve around money. Like, “Yeah but you have to have money for that; to me it just sounded like the person didn’t believe in me and that’s what it can sound like.

Even though it wasn’t actually being said, as people we tend to take things differently then the way they were said. Since I didn’t feel supported I kept hearing critical words saying the opposite of what I needed to hear and really it would come from within.

The universe is your playground. You choose the toys. November 9, 2009

Posted by Gaylena in Positive change.
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1 comment so far

The universe is your playground and you and only you hold you back from the life of riches you truly desire having. Your universe, big or small, revolves around you whether or not you feel you take a big or small part in it, you contribute more then you know.

You influence your world, what goes on in it, the people in it, who comes and goes in it and who stays or leaves. You have the most say in the matter and if you are not taking charge of your life then it goes on autopilot and you less to say about it.

You create your world starting with your thoughts and emotions and the actions you take and all  combined create what you see. Such as it may be, will ultimately lead you to take whatever action(s) you take, if your knowledge about things and how they work doesn’t change, your results wont either.

As a direct result of that your reality is very unlikely to change, until you are made aware of the control you hold over your reality. You are the creator and if you want abundance in your reality you have create it and release the reverse.

Abundance is at the edge of everyone’s reality, you need to realize what kind of a world your thoughts and emotions create. Take some time to become aware of the thoughts you think on a day to day basis and not only that but pay attention to your true feelings in anything.

Learn to change the thoughts and emotions from lack and limitation to positive abundance and spend time inviting that in. Just by simply paying attention to how your thoughts can limit you and at times are limiting in and of themselves you change your result.

If you push it abundance away with your thoughts and feelings, you can just as easily invite it in back in with positivity. You need to realize the trouble is not always on the surface and if you find it hard to believe or are uncomfortable believing in something, image what it would feel like to be, have or do that.

It takes a while to believe, but after you realize the simple fact of how you create, it will become easier to notice. As I said before though it may not be on the surface that you are having trouble, because your subconscious mind can cause you just as much trouble.

Your subconscious mind runs on an otherwise unconscious level that you will be pretty unaware of and it can sabotage you. If you come to a point where your desire is within reach and things get messed up for you it’s a good indication of a subconscious belief blocking you.

In this case you can look back over the years to find the source of the problem to find out why you have trouble in this area. The problem usually lies deep within the mind and is usually there because of something someone told you about yourself that isn’t true.

It was just something that was said and you took it as a belief about yourself, but when you find it and realize it isn’t who you are. You can ask yourself what good it has done for you and since it limits you, there isn’t any and you can release it and replace it with a belief that WILL serve you.

Remember that the universe is your playground and it is what you make it to be and you can change it at any time. Make it dance to your rhythm, nothing has to be any certain way unless you choose for it to be so, just as you give any belief you hold power by believing in it.

Want it to work for you? Choose the thoughts, feelings and beliefs that will make it what you want it to be. Be clear about what you want and you get it as clear as you make it.


Change what you think and your world changes. November 2, 2009

Posted by Gaylena in Positive change.
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“When you clear away a thought pattern of limitation, the quiet you feel after wards is authenticity.”

The above couldn’t be more true and it is a normal state of being that you may not have ever experienced. This is a state of feeling that I have experienced many times and it is what I would call being fully present in the moment.

I wanted to write a note about limiting thoughts and thought patterns after last night’s prosperity call with David and Kristin Morelli.A very good call I might add. I again made another thought pattern, breakthrough and this one I could probably have by myself but never really questioned until last night.

Now I feel a lot of quiet from it as that is the more natural state of being but one that many of us are uncomfortable with. The quiet inside of your head might in fact drive you crazy and so make you seek to be with others because you don’t want to be alone with self.

Though as I said before it is a state of being fully present in the moment to anything and everything around you at all times. Not to mention that when you are fully present the colors of everything are brighter then usual.

Releasing of a negative thought pattern that likely blocked you from your authentic self gives you that quiet fully present state. So that you are better able to attract to you the things that are authentic and in alignment with your authentic self.

Moreover releasing a part of you that is not authentic gives you room for what is to into your life and replace what isn’t. It also gives you room that will need to be filled with what is natural and authentic, whatever that is for you.

It also depends on what it is that you released and how big of a block it was, for me, pretty big, not to mention it had been there a long time. It was doubt, doubt, even without evidence to the contrary.

Have you ever asked yourself why you doubt something that you have no idea what rather it will be true or not? Why do you have doubts or think the way you do about certain things?

Do you ever question why you just start thinking the way you do? Or do you just start thinking and don’t even question it because you are so use to it.

Like when you see someone do something you have never done but have always wanted to and instead of trying it, you doubt yourself. You say; Oh I could never do that, I never thought about the reason behind thinking some of the limiting thoughts I did.

Go ahead and actually ask yourself that, matter of fact I challenge you! I bet if you did ask yourself you wont know why. You just do because you have always done this and have never questioned it, but when you become aware and question it, it loses energy.

It no longer has the same effect on you and like that it you are able to release it because it came the same way. Easy come and I mean really it is easy go, just that simple. Whatever thought pattern you may have that is limiting and you release it, decide upon the best replacement for it.

My thought limitation was doubt, it would come up when I wanted to step outside of current comfort zones. Even when I wanted something or to believe in something more then I was use to having, doubt and ego/fear would kick in and have its say.

So it was last night, when I made a choice and a decision and felt doubt and I asked myself how it served me. It didn’t serve and it wasn’t getting me anywhere and when I paid attention to my thoughts around certain things I noticed doubt creeping up.

This is the cool part about things like that when you stop trying to push back what is there and actually accept it. It loses its hold and you can let it go with little or no problem at all and that was the trouble with that thought pattern all along, it needed to be accepted.

After that it was easy and it needed to be replace with something else, so I replaced it with the thought of already having what I wanted. I started wondering how I would act and think when I had what I wanted, for example how do you act now?

How do successful people act? Think, walk and talk? When you start to wonder that and think, walk, talk and act like someone who is already successful it changes everything.

You can remove yourself from doubt and replace it with thinking, feeling and acting as if you are already successful. That is just what I mean when I say what would I do and how would I think, act or feel if I had the success someone famous has.

I decided I’ve known all along what it is like and that I already know how to walk, talk and act like that. It is to make a choice to do what I want every day and to do that when I want and not when I have to, because it all comes down to choice.

So it is in that way that I already have what I want and the things I do and say and the way I think and act. All reflect that and so it is to say, what do your thoughts and actions say about you and your life? Do they reflect what you want them to about you?

You can always change it starting with your thoughts and the way you walk.
