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Creating your future one day at a time December 12, 2009

Posted by Gaylena in Positive change.
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Some time back now I watched a really good movie that I hadn’t seen before and learned some really good lessons from. Paycheck, if you haven’t seen it before I highly recommend it, or if you have you might want to watch from a different perspective.

It is a really good movie and it has some really thought provoking points in it, the one that really stood out and caught my attention was when the main character said that we don’t need to see the future because it robs us of hope.

Not only that, he said that when we are able to see our future and don’t like something about it we would want to change it. Or you might find yourself wanting to avoid it avoid it altogether, so as not to face it at all.

Seeing the future is how things could have been messed up seriously in the movie and if you were to put that example to your life. You can easily see that the same messed up circumstances could happen in your own life if you knew what to expect and wanted to change things.

Think about it if you knew what was going to happen in the future would you still do the same things? I bet not and what if those things that you may not like so much were meant to happen for very important reasons.


Taking the negative out of the situation August 6, 2009

Posted by Gaylena in Uncategorized.
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Have you ever found yourself putting to much of your focused attention on the negative even though you knew you shouldn’t be doing so? It seems that no matter how positive the person is, at one time or another you can still find yourself seeing the negative from time to time.

“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will be changed as a result.” Those are never truer words are words I hear so often. If you were to change the way you were looking at something it would change as a direct result of that.

It is our perception of something that makes it what it is, because it is neither positive nor negative and how we see it makes it so. It is said that our DNA, thoughts and emotions have an effect on our surroundings, then it is by our very perception that our reality is created.

If the reality is either positive or negative it is only so because that is what is created by us alone, so the quote above is correct. I had all but forgotten something that always removes the negative side of things for me and allowed me to look beyond what I normally see.

Those are the words that everything you see is perfect, be the situation and circumstances good or bad they are somehow, perfect. In reading those words and remembering to look at things like that once again I realized that in everything that was going on there was so much positive in it.

Sure I wasn’t able to connect to the internet with my computer until it got fixed but feeling that somehow everything was perfect. That it all was exactly as it should be allowed me to stop putting my attention on the things I perceived to be negative.

More then that it allowed me to look at the things I saw as negative and say that if they were negative somehow they were as they should be. So if they were as they should be then what else was there to see instead and I started really looking closely at everything else.

I was then able to really see all that was positive there that I didn’t see before, because I didn’t allow myself to do so. There is always lots more to see if you allow yourself to see it, but when your focusing on the negative your picture is thus limited.

Your really not seeing the whole picture when you focus on the negative, maybe you are not seeing the whole picture if you focus on the positive. It certainly is a better picture to see but it does not mean that you are not able to see everything even then either.

All it really means is that you are seeing the brightest side of the picture and it gives you more clarity to see everything. In its true form, it’s like when you are seeing only one side of something you are missing the best part.

When you focus on the negative you block any and all energy from coming and going so that nothing moves, it just stays the same. If it’s blocked there isn’t any balance and there must be a balance between positive and negative.

If you were trying to manifest something it would not easy to do simply because you are blocking the energy needed to bring it to you. Because you are only seeing one of side things and that side being by far lesser of the sides to see, the negative side.

All you will get from that is more of the same and more negative then you bargained for, that is why change is so important to us. One small and simply change like the way you see and perceive things to be can be an easy answer to the problem.

Acceptance of a situation as is be it good or not so good releases negativity around the situation and allows you to see too good in it. More often then not you are to close to any situation to see clearly until it is past.

If you were to ask someone looking at it from the outside they will have better judgment on the subject then yourself. An outsider sees the whole picture instead of just seeing one side of it and total acceptance of the situation will do the same for you.

That is the beauty of seeing things as they are and feeling and thinking that they are perfect because it allows you to distance yourself. The distance can bring new insight and release negative feelings around any situation and let you see the whole picture.

Removing yourself farther from the situation is how you stand back and look at a picture and when you do that. You are able to learn whatever lessons that were in the perceived “bad” situation.

Don’t wait for something to come along to knock you down before you will step back and see the whole picture. Look for the beauty in everything and accept what is for what it is and if you still can’t see the positive then ask for an outside opinion.

There is something in good in everything that is seemly bad and some times all you have to do is remove yourself a bit. Though trust my word on this it’s there.