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Setting the stage to manifesting greatness October 26, 2009

Posted by Gaylena in Positive change.
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The law of attraction is always at work in your life always for you attract through the thoughts that you think and your feelings. What you put focus on, energy flows to and you end up getting that whether you wanted it or not.

When viewed from that angle what do you want to attract? Answer that and put your focused energy on it. That is how you will attract it, because you are a magnet and are attractive to the things you want through thought and emotion and focused energy.

Does it seem harder for you to attract what you want then it does simply by focusing on your desires? Yes, there is more to it then that but simply shifting the things you think about on a day to day basis. You will be setting the stage to manifesting better things then you might normally manifest.

One of the best places to start is to be grateful for what you already have in your life, there is much to be grateful for. The great thing about that is there is more good then bad and moreover things are only bad if you give it that label.

Make up a list of at ten things a day every day and be truly grateful for it, it can be as simple as feeling good when you wake up. Give and receive, give thanks and a helping hand and learn to receive, a compliment or something no matter how small. The point is that you can not get what you want until or unless you learn to first receive.

Step into “flow state” often, if you are unfamiliar with flow state or how to access it, it is a high energy state of being. Where everything flows freely both to and from you, where you are able to give, receive and manifest pretty much without effort at fast rates.

The flow state is a perfect state of being and when in it you feel happy and excited it gives you the feeling of flying. It is a super charged state of feeling when you are in it nothing will knock you out of it unless save for not following your feelings.

In order for you to get into this state of bring you have match the vibration and the only way to do that is to changes. Your daily routines is a great place to start and do different things at different times and be spontaneous and go on feeling.

Since flow state is a high energy and vibrational state, two ways to match it is by thinking about fun things that you want to do. Or do those fun things! Having fun relaxes you and opens the doors to creativity and natural flow of energy.

Have fun with little things in little ways throughout your day just makes the whole day better re- energizes you. Try making even the smallest thing fun throughout your day, at the beginning of your day, at lunch time, when you get home for dinner find small ways to have fun.

Remember that your subconscious mind attracts to you what you get and it does so through your thoughts and emotions. So by doing the things you love your asking the universe to match your vibration and you will end up getting more of that.

Some of the best emotions to feel are: love, excitement, joy, passion, gratitude and of course laughter is always great. Any kind of positive emotion tells your subconscious mind that you want more of that feeling and it brings more of that which you ask for when you focus on it.

Like attracts like, it also works the opposite, so have fun! and think about fun things not the opposite. Unless that’s what you really want? Because that’s what you will get, like worry, stress or lack of money, it all creates more of what you don’t want.

Focus your attention on the things that make you happy and that you want more of or just because it makes you happy. Remember that what you focus on expends and feelings of appreciation attracts more to appreciate, be grateful and whatever you’re grateful for, you’ll attract more of it.

Whatever you want, think it, feel it and be around it, really just be the change you want to see, do it through thoughts and feelings. Feel that you already have what you want or think of someone else who does and find an off hand reason to be happy they have it.

It will will change any energy you hold around what you want into that of positive energy and make you more attractive. So that it will be easier for you to attract that which you so desire and in the process you are making it fun by being pleased for someone else.

Remember this if there is something in your life that you don’t like you need to find at least three things about it you like. Or you can try finding a new way to look at that whatever it is that you dislike or even better find something in that “thing” to be grateful for. If your seeing it from a negative perspective then it will only expend in a way you don’t want.

1. Be spontaneous and do something different at a time you wouldn’t usually do something fun.

2. Play and have fun often, not only does it de-stress you but it also makes your mind more creative, so you’re able to solve problems quicker.

3. Think about the fun things you want to do, like go to the beach or go the movie more often or you can even think about where you would like to go on vacation.

4. Try new things often and find new and small ways that you can truly enjoy yourself, and do the things you enjoy greatly as much as possible.

5. Create change in small and big ways. Instead of trying to be someone who can keep others guessing keep yourself guessing instead. By not always knowing what you are going to do next.

Just decide to do something and go for it and pay close attention to your feelings about it, your feelings are so important in the manifesting process. So always ALWAYS pay attention to your feelings and do whatever makes you feel good.

Ego friend or foe? October 21, 2009

Posted by Gaylena in Self Growth.
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Just recently I did some research on the subject of ego to get a better understanding of it and get someone else’s take on it. One thing I have to say is that if you do not befriend ego it can take over and run the whole show for you, with or without your say so.

Ego is really good at sabotaging your manifesting efforts with upstream thoughts; where you can feel that if you don’t get some certain things done you’re not moving forward. You might feel stuck in place not making progress.

When working but not at one my set goals it can leave you feeling that you are you’re not doing anything important. Ego usually has you doing things that you might not want to do simply to make the ego image of you seem complete.

John Eaton of Reverse thinking describes ego as {a false idea about what and who you are. It is an idea you took over from other people. It is never who you really are it is only what you “think” you are, but do not actually see yourself because of ego getting in the way.

Ego turns up in people’s lives in many different ways and forms and does so differently for everyone. Although there is one thing that many people hold on a collective level, they go after
Material things because it makes the ego happy for a while.

It worries about things and stresses about what hasn’t been done yet, it acts as a driving force to get things done. Ego likes or wants to be young beautiful or good looking, smart and  of course it always wants to be successful so it pushes you onward always.

“Your ego is a false idea about what and who you are. It is an idea you took over from other people.”

It is no wonder that some want to be free of it or transcend it although however knowing all that I know about it I would rather align with it. You can treat it like a naughty child that did something wrong and is going to be grounded for it, it is a part of you like it or not.

You might think of it as the dark side of you and try to hide it away or worse yet try to hide from it and pretend it doesn’t exist. Align with it because it IS a part of you and you can work together with it you just have to learn to tell when it is trying to run the show.

1. Be present to your thoughts and know when it feels counter productive, going up stream. Feeling to hard.

2. Be aware of the reasons why you want to do things, is it because you want to impress others?

3. Pay attention to feelings of being left out or left behind others, it can bring resentment along with it for the ride. It is only another way ego plays its hand in your life.

4. Don’t take things personally, a favorite quote is “What others think of you is none of your business” only ego cares what others think of you. You’re authentic knows is secure in itself and what others say or think do not matter.

5. Constantly remind yourself that you are in this moment right where you need to be, you know the things you need to know.

It might seem like your dark side that you keep a locked up secret from others like a part of you that you don’t like. Maybe you feel that angry is somehow wrong or showing sadness is an unwanted thing so you hide it away from the world.

That ma not necessary be your dark side but you might feel that ego is like having a dark side so you don’t want to accept it. Accepting it is the best thing you can do, everyone has one and it’s not really a bad thing, I would suggest making it more of a welcomed part of you.

One way I suggest doing this is an exercise that intuitive guide and spiritual teacher Sonia Choquette suggests, called naming it. Make your ego a pet and give it a name, pick any animal you want that way it is no longer thought of as bad but as a cute pet that has a name.

Believe me you this works really great because whenever I know that ego is trying to have it’s say over things I do. I think of it as a cute animal and do things a little differently so that everything aligns with both authentic self and ego pet.

For more about John Eaton and Reverse thinking, go to http://reversethinking.typepad.com/weblog/2008/11/how-to-make-your-ego-unimportant.html

For more  Sonia Choquette go to http://www.soniachoquette.com/


Accepting gratitude and appreciation. October 14, 2009

Posted by Gaylena in Positive change.
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A very important thing about giving and receiving is; when you give do so from your heart and when you receive do so with gratitude. Another thing that goes hand in hand with showing or giving appreciation or gratitude, would be to accept it from the same feeling it was giving.

For some accepting thanks does not come easy so working up to it with small steps is something you can do and remind of the energy involved. When you help someone most people like to show their appreciation for what you did for them in form or another.

If you think about any of the times you are someone you know has been thanked for something they did for another. You would most likely remember saying or hearing someone having said
“No problem or Don’t mention it or even It was nothing or just Sure.

Saying those kind of things comes naturally to most of us but no one realizes what that giving thanks is a form of energy. What that means is that when you say something like “ah it was nothing” you really mean it and don’t actually accept either the thanks or the energy, in fact you push it away.

So you are not in fact accepting the gift that would otherwise come to you in return for something you did for another. So you will have effectively stopped the energy from coming to you and only those who say that others don’t appreciate them feel the lack don’t realize they are the cause.

Giving and receiving energy is important because it keeps it passing on from person to person and it does so anyone or thing you pass by. So it keeps the energy going around so that it becomes bigger and bigger building momentum and abundance as it goes.

Not to mention that acknowledging and accepting of someone’s appreciation of you allows them to feel good too. It gives them a good sense of self and of self worth as well, while sending the high energy of gratitude out to the world at large, and the energy builds that much more.

That one thing alone makes it all worth it but if you will not do it for yourself, you can do it for another. Though in the end you are still doing it for yourself because what goes around comes around again.

Without the giving and receiving of energy through thanks there is no passing it on to another person nor is there any no build. What you have is stuck energy and no appreciation for your own self worth, because it actually puts you down more then you know.

Energy is everywhere in every place and always moving, however you can effetely stop energy from it’s natural flow. Simply by doing certain things a certain way, such as not receiving gratitude or appreciation or by making little of the situation, it lowers the energy.

Some times people do so without even realizing that they are even doing it, while others do so just because it was an example picked up as a child. However no matter why it is done and rather it is done with or without conscious knowledge of it being done, it still effects self worth.

It also has an effect your on self-esteem as well by not acknowledging the good you do and it is not being loving to self either. So know that when you stop giving or receiving/accepting gratitude or appreciation it lowers both the energy going out and the energy coming in.

It may at times stop the energy coming to you altogether because no one wants to be around someone who is negative. Or is not very grateful, a great example of that would be when you give an ungrateful person a gift they might say something like; Well that’s great but I already have that!

Imagine someone actually saying that to you, think about how that would feel and the kind of energy that would follow. Whatever you say, do or think all has an energy of it’s own and you have the power to create the kind ungrateful energy anyone else does.

You also have the power to create the kind of energy that will bring more of what you want through your feelings. It is up to you to decide just what it is that you want more of and what kind of energy you would rather be enjoying.

Though one things for sure you can make it a lot better for everyone for by giving them the gift of loving energy and appreciation.

Abundant energy and Money October 1, 2009

Posted by Gaylena in Positive change.
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For the past month now I have been upon waking every morning taking a deep breath and think about all the abundance I am bringing in. Now I’m going to practice feeling abundance in and around me when I do this, then send it out. It’s a great way to start your day and it makes the rest of your day really awesome, but that aside it brings abundance to in energy form.

Beyond that I’ve been focusing on two other things that work really well, 1. Is whenever I have to pay for something, instead Oh there goes that money I bless it as it leaves my hands. That way it will bless the person who gets it and when they give it to someone else it will bless them and keep going that way.

Now hopefully it will do that for a very long time, but I also know that when I bless it and send it out there. That it will come back to me and so will the blessing that I gave to it and I hope that more people will start doing this.

Because the more that do will not only change their lives, but they will change that of others at the same time. That is what I am looking to do, because it has changed my life very positivity and my energy towards the spending of money.

That is what we all really need to do, so that instead of thinking I really don’t want to spend it it has me wanting too. Because now it’s like a game where when I spend it I get to bless it and which it go and know that it will come so I can do it again and again.

It’s really great because now I have a new creative way to spread more positivity to others and what better way to do it? The second thing I started practicing just this evening also works great with other things as well and not just money.

I was enjoying the nice weather outside and feeling really grateful for it and started thinking how I was blessed to have it. I also thought that while I am enjoying the nice weather I should bless it because I heard that it wont last much longer.

Which brought to mind something really interesting and that is that while I have nice weather someone else might not. Someone else might be wanting some nice weather wherever they are right at that very moment so I should bless it if it has to go.

So when the weather isn’t to my liking or yours, figure that someone somewhere is enjoying some beautiful weather wherever they are. That for me is another great way to enjoy the weather that I don’t find to pleasant and actually find a way to be grateful for it.

It helps one accept that where they are in any given moment is a good place to be and be grateful for it. Not only that but if you think that where I am and with whatever circumstances you are living in are for the highest good of all it helps you let go and trust that all is as it should be.
