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Accepting gratitude and appreciation. October 14, 2009

Posted by Gaylena in Positive change.
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A very important thing about giving and receiving is; when you give do so from your heart and when you receive do so with gratitude. Another thing that goes hand in hand with showing or giving appreciation or gratitude, would be to accept it from the same feeling it was giving.

For some accepting thanks does not come easy so working up to it with small steps is something you can do and remind of the energy involved. When you help someone most people like to show their appreciation for what you did for them in form or another.

If you think about any of the times you are someone you know has been thanked for something they did for another. You would most likely remember saying or hearing someone having said
“No problem or Don’t mention it or even It was nothing or just Sure.

Saying those kind of things comes naturally to most of us but no one realizes what that giving thanks is a form of energy. What that means is that when you say something like “ah it was nothing” you really mean it and don’t actually accept either the thanks or the energy, in fact you push it away.

So you are not in fact accepting the gift that would otherwise come to you in return for something you did for another. So you will have effectively stopped the energy from coming to you and only those who say that others don’t appreciate them feel the lack don’t realize they are the cause.

Giving and receiving energy is important because it keeps it passing on from person to person and it does so anyone or thing you pass by. So it keeps the energy going around so that it becomes bigger and bigger building momentum and abundance as it goes.

Not to mention that acknowledging and accepting of someone’s appreciation of you allows them to feel good too. It gives them a good sense of self and of self worth as well, while sending the high energy of gratitude out to the world at large, and the energy builds that much more.

That one thing alone makes it all worth it but if you will not do it for yourself, you can do it for another. Though in the end you are still doing it for yourself because what goes around comes around again.

Without the giving and receiving of energy through thanks there is no passing it on to another person nor is there any no build. What you have is stuck energy and no appreciation for your own self worth, because it actually puts you down more then you know.

Energy is everywhere in every place and always moving, however you can effetely stop energy from it’s natural flow. Simply by doing certain things a certain way, such as not receiving gratitude or appreciation or by making little of the situation, it lowers the energy.

Some times people do so without even realizing that they are even doing it, while others do so just because it was an example picked up as a child. However no matter why it is done and rather it is done with or without conscious knowledge of it being done, it still effects self worth.

It also has an effect your on self-esteem as well by not acknowledging the good you do and it is not being loving to self either. So know that when you stop giving or receiving/accepting gratitude or appreciation it lowers both the energy going out and the energy coming in.

It may at times stop the energy coming to you altogether because no one wants to be around someone who is negative. Or is not very grateful, a great example of that would be when you give an ungrateful person a gift they might say something like; Well that’s great but I already have that!

Imagine someone actually saying that to you, think about how that would feel and the kind of energy that would follow. Whatever you say, do or think all has an energy of it’s own and you have the power to create the kind ungrateful energy anyone else does.

You also have the power to create the kind of energy that will bring more of what you want through your feelings. It is up to you to decide just what it is that you want more of and what kind of energy you would rather be enjoying.

Though one things for sure you can make it a lot better for everyone for by giving them the gift of loving energy and appreciation.