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The joy of a healthy relationship with Money. December 14, 2009

Posted by Gaylena in Positive change.
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What’s on your mind? I’m sure there are a number of things on your mind that’s understandable but one of the biggest things on anyone’s mind is money. You know the can’t live with it and can’t live without it, and that last statement right there is the problem.

In the first place no one knows how to live with it but they are VERY good at living without it and/or making it not feel welcome. Largely for women, in particular, they have a relationship with money, just like everything else in life be the relationship good or not so good.

Now that does not just apply to women in general, as it also applies to men as well, but women however have a relationship with everything. Take for example the relationship you have with your body be it what it may, if you’re a woman you probably don’t like something about that body.

Setting the stage to manifesting greatness October 26, 2009

Posted by Gaylena in Positive change.
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The law of attraction is always at work in your life always for you attract through the thoughts that you think and your feelings. What you put focus on, energy flows to and you end up getting that whether you wanted it or not.

When viewed from that angle what do you want to attract? Answer that and put your focused energy on it. That is how you will attract it, because you are a magnet and are attractive to the things you want through thought and emotion and focused energy.

Does it seem harder for you to attract what you want then it does simply by focusing on your desires? Yes, there is more to it then that but simply shifting the things you think about on a day to day basis. You will be setting the stage to manifesting better things then you might normally manifest.

One of the best places to start is to be grateful for what you already have in your life, there is much to be grateful for. The great thing about that is there is more good then bad and moreover things are only bad if you give it that label.

Make up a list of at ten things a day every day and be truly grateful for it, it can be as simple as feeling good when you wake up. Give and receive, give thanks and a helping hand and learn to receive, a compliment or something no matter how small. The point is that you can not get what you want until or unless you learn to first receive.

Step into “flow state” often, if you are unfamiliar with flow state or how to access it, it is a high energy state of being. Where everything flows freely both to and from you, where you are able to give, receive and manifest pretty much without effort at fast rates.

The flow state is a perfect state of being and when in it you feel happy and excited it gives you the feeling of flying. It is a super charged state of feeling when you are in it nothing will knock you out of it unless save for not following your feelings.

In order for you to get into this state of bring you have match the vibration and the only way to do that is to changes. Your daily routines is a great place to start and do different things at different times and be spontaneous and go on feeling.

Since flow state is a high energy and vibrational state, two ways to match it is by thinking about fun things that you want to do. Or do those fun things! Having fun relaxes you and opens the doors to creativity and natural flow of energy.

Have fun with little things in little ways throughout your day just makes the whole day better re- energizes you. Try making even the smallest thing fun throughout your day, at the beginning of your day, at lunch time, when you get home for dinner find small ways to have fun.

Remember that your subconscious mind attracts to you what you get and it does so through your thoughts and emotions. So by doing the things you love your asking the universe to match your vibration and you will end up getting more of that.

Some of the best emotions to feel are: love, excitement, joy, passion, gratitude and of course laughter is always great. Any kind of positive emotion tells your subconscious mind that you want more of that feeling and it brings more of that which you ask for when you focus on it.

Like attracts like, it also works the opposite, so have fun! and think about fun things not the opposite. Unless that’s what you really want? Because that’s what you will get, like worry, stress or lack of money, it all creates more of what you don’t want.

Focus your attention on the things that make you happy and that you want more of or just because it makes you happy. Remember that what you focus on expends and feelings of appreciation attracts more to appreciate, be grateful and whatever you’re grateful for, you’ll attract more of it.

Whatever you want, think it, feel it and be around it, really just be the change you want to see, do it through thoughts and feelings. Feel that you already have what you want or think of someone else who does and find an off hand reason to be happy they have it.

It will will change any energy you hold around what you want into that of positive energy and make you more attractive. So that it will be easier for you to attract that which you so desire and in the process you are making it fun by being pleased for someone else.

Remember this if there is something in your life that you don’t like you need to find at least three things about it you like. Or you can try finding a new way to look at that whatever it is that you dislike or even better find something in that “thing” to be grateful for. If your seeing it from a negative perspective then it will only expend in a way you don’t want.

1. Be spontaneous and do something different at a time you wouldn’t usually do something fun.

2. Play and have fun often, not only does it de-stress you but it also makes your mind more creative, so you’re able to solve problems quicker.

3. Think about the fun things you want to do, like go to the beach or go the movie more often or you can even think about where you would like to go on vacation.

4. Try new things often and find new and small ways that you can truly enjoy yourself, and do the things you enjoy greatly as much as possible.

5. Create change in small and big ways. Instead of trying to be someone who can keep others guessing keep yourself guessing instead. By not always knowing what you are going to do next.

Just decide to do something and go for it and pay close attention to your feelings about it, your feelings are so important in the manifesting process. So always ALWAYS pay attention to your feelings and do whatever makes you feel good.